Call to Black and Hispanic Community for Health - Moms Across America

Call to Black and Hispanic Community for Health

Mom Uses Triple Platinum Singing Voice to Raise Awareness About GMOs


Le'Shaun Courtney Williams, former singer with LL Cool J, with adult children Bri'Anna and Isaiah in DC.

Le'Shaun came all the way from Las Vegas, NV to the Food Justice Rally in DC in October 2015. She spoke out on the stage for her state's Senator to say NO to the Dark Act and YES to 511 FOR mandatory GMO labeling.

I am particularly glad she is taking a stand because the statistics for the Black and Hispanic communities are worse than other races. More Black and Hispanic children have both diabetes and obesity than other races. In some Black and Hispanic communities pediatricians report 90% of children with obesity, most with other conditions such as allergies, autism, asthma, auto immune or mental disorders as well. We hope this blog reached the Black and Hispanic communities and alerts everyone, of all races, to the injustices befalling our children. 


Here is her story and request to the Black and Hispanic Community:


"I am a Mom, I don't claim to have never made any mistakes when it comes to raising my children.

I wasn't given a handbook but the one thing I do know is I should never deliberately put my children in harms way. 

I cannot help but feel guilty for doing just that!

Unbeknownst to me, for almost two decades I was okay with feeding myself and my family foods I thought were safe. I didn't know that our foods were being genetically modified. I had no idea until earlier this year what GMO's are. 

Why is it that in my community something this important is overlooked? 

Why aren't "WE" (the Black and Hispanic community) privy to this information?


Perhaps it's because in the Black and Hispanic communities we tend to be the ones least interested in caring or knowing what we are consuming. We have our recipes passed down from generations but we never consider that what we are using as ingredients are different from what our parents and grandparents used. We also eat more cheap, processed and fast foods than ever before.


I would like to see less commercials about junk food and something informative about Organic, non-GMO foods & products.


I would love for teachers and schools to promote honest whole food importance to our children.


I would love for the church leaders to get out from behind the pulpits and start spreading information about these Argo-Chemical and Big Food Corporations and how they are using us as science projects.


How about taking some of that tithing money and start organic community farms?

We have to know that this is also our issue!

The unsafe, minimally tested use of GMO's is not a matter of Color or Creed its about Money and Greed!

If we knew that someone hurt our children we would be the first ones to stand up and defend our children.

Why is it that we allow them to get away with intentionally keeping us in the DARK and hurting our families with these back door tactics?

We will march by the Millions for men, we will march by the Millions for racial justice, or police profiling but we give no priority to the Marches Against Monsanto, DuPont, Bayer, Dow, Syngenta and our own FDA for allowing this nonsense to go on.

During my visit to Washington DC for the Food Justice March, for banning The DARK Act and voting yes to food labeling "WE" meaning my community was only about 1% of those who showed up.


 We have more power than we give ourselves credit for. If we all took a stand in some way, demand that we are provided with an abundance of affordable NON genetically engineered options, If we refused to buy their lies and their frankenfoods, If we took the time to share our knowledge with one person a day, we could really bring awareness and force positive changes to occur.

You will feel better! You will know better! You will do better!!!


Since going organic myself, I've been losing weight consistently because I am consuming "whole" foods with the proper nutrients in them. When you give your body what it needs you don't crave what it doesn't need, so you don't overeat!  

In fact you will be sustained with NATURAL vitamins, herbs, fibers, minerals, oils and proteins necessary for survival. You begin to eat to live instead of living to eat. So many ailments can be cured with the natural edibles and medicines we were blessed with before others began to patent nature.

��The best quote I've heard about that is "We are overweight and malnourished" Our country on a whole is lagging behind because there is more money to be made with unhealthy adults and children than the opposite. We are a Hot Mess!

 We really have to try harder as a community, I hope this encourages you to do your due diligence, find out for yourself what the rest of us are so passionate about and why!!! 

  I do it for my loved ones, but honestly I do it for you, your family, and the possibility of all the children having a future better than our current state of affairs. 

"No ONE of us is better than ALL OF US"  Together we can..."


 By: Le'Shaun Courtney Williams, singer/photographer

Moms Across America Supporter 

CALL your Senator TODAY and tell the you do NOT want GMOs and if we have them on our shelves they MUST be labeled, NO QR Codes! QR codes are elitist!  Call 202-224-3121 and tell them your state.

Find out more about GMOs here

Find out about Glyphosate (sprayed on GMOs and non organic food) free shopping too at

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