How to Stop Roundup in Your Community:
Did you know that over 300 million pounds of Roundup/Glyphosate-based chemicals are sprayed in the USA every year?
20 million pounds of that is used in landscaping.
Parks, streets, sidewalks, parking lots, schools, daycare facilities, universities, sports fields, and playgrounds are being sprayed with Roundup in many parts of the country, right now.
Glyphosate has been deemed a probable carcinogen and has been connected to multiple serious health issues that have all skyrocketed in the past ten years- coincidentally, 70% of the use of all glyphosate that has ever been sprayed, has been used in the past ten years as well.
In addition, the city workers spraying glyphosate are not being directed to follow the label directions, which is to "keep people and pets away." This mean pets, children and non-English speaking people who do not see a warning sign, if they are posted, walk right into these areas, come in direct contact with these proven toxic chemicals and track them into their homes.
This is NOT following the law and does NOT protect our children!
The EPA has recently confirmed that the common practice of spraying Roundup without barriers for 4 hours is in fact, against the directions on the label and against the law.
We are requesting that cities and communities discontinue the use of glyphosate-based herbicides and toxic chemicals in pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides as cities in CT, OR, HI and CA have done, and use organic alternatives instead.
Do NOT let your city use glufosinate instead! It has been shown to be seriously harmful and is NOT a safe alternative.
For cities and towns- recommend safe steam weed control solutions! Find out more here.
A good article on how to get pesticides out of your parks:
Download and print these flyers for your school, town, neighbor or landscaper.
![]() Healthy School Initiative Flyer |
![]() Glyphosate Data Sheet |
![]() Pesticide Flyer |
![]() Spanish Pesticide Flyer |
What else can you do? How can you have your town, school, church, home owner's association or county stop using toxic chemicals?
- Gather information. Our website is a great place to start! We also recommend Beyond Pesticides.
- Gather a friend or two or three...the more the merrier but you don't need a huge crew. Even two or three people make a difference. If you are going to speak to Parks and Rec or the landscapers, we suggest that a man with landscaping experience or a health care provider comes with you. We moms are passionate, and there is something about the man to man conversation with the city officials that seals the deal.
- Make an appointment with the person who makes the decisions. It's easy! Just look them up and call!
- Bring your information and supporters to the appointment. Be prepared, be friendly, dress professionally, and know that the person you are speaking to has family, health concerns and a desire to keep their job too.
- Acknowledge them, the work they already do to support the community and address their concerns about increased costs.
- Offer solutions. For neighbors and hardware stores, recommend Pulverize. For cities and towns, ask for the Steam Weed Control click here. See our flyers for more information. Order flyers here. Or download a single flyer above.
- Follow up! Thank them. Take whatever next steps might be needed...meeting with the city council or board of directors. Don't stop yourself just because you might not be a public speaker or an expert. You are a tax paying citizen, with concerns and real scientific evidence. It is their job to listen to you and address your concerns.
Do you want to protect your family from toxic exposure, endocrine disruptors (sex hormone disruption and birth defects) and cancer causing agents? Knowledge is Power! Check out to see what type of toxins are common in your area and be informed. Consider going to your city council and presenting information about toxins, and asking your city or county to go Toxin Free.
If you would like to sue Monsanto we recommend:
Finally, here is a sheet you can print to sign people up to help spread the word!
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