The True Savings of Organic Food
An Account of Our Research Process and Findings
By Irene Fearnley and the Moms Across America Team
It’s no secret that cooking meals at home are more cost-effective than going out to eat. But what if you want to eat 100% organic, isn't that more expensive?
In our new research, we show that it is still more cost-effective even if the ingredients are 100% organic. In addition to helping your wallet, cooking meals at home also has the potential for significant health benefits; since you yourself are in control of the products and ingredients you buy, it is easier to make eating organic, non-GMO whole foods a priority. When it comes to eating your meals outside the home, you may be inundated with unhealthy and non-sustainably grown options like the fare offered at fast-food chains. Even at other restaurants, you can never be too sure about the types of ingredients being used and where they are sourced from. To put it plainly, when you decide to cook from home you are making the decision that is truly best for your health and that of your family.
Read moreFDA Means to Let Food Companies Off the Hook AGAIN
We hope you are having a wonderful holiday and get a chance to rest. Unfortunately, the FDA never ceases their shenanigans.
Below is a link to an article on the FDA's current redefining of "healthy" only using nutritional content for parameters. And then not enforcing it.
"While FDA is considering how to redefine the term “healthy” as a nutrient content claim, food manufacturers can continue to use the term “healthy” on foods that meet the current regulatory definition. FDA is also issuing a guidance document stating that FDA does not intend to enforce the regulatory requirements for products that use the term if certain criteria described in the guidance document are met"
This means by only classifying "healthy" under NUTRITIONAL content, they avoid GMO and pesticides, continuing to allow them in "healthy" food.
I .
Even Google knows better: If you search for "Healthy Foods" what shows up are whole foods on the left, not processed food such as Cheerios, on the right which has high residue levels of glyphosate.
Also the FDA's decision to "redefine healthy" successfully delays the outcome of any legal action against food companies,
"The FDA’s action on “healthy” may prove meaningful for food companies in a number of ways. For example, companies currently defending lawsuits challenging “healthy” on labels may consider seeking a stay of litigation pending FDA’s final action"
Outrageous! Their "final action" will takes YEARS. And even then, because the FDA won't enforce it, legally, it will be nearly impossible to hold food companies to account for their claims.
Please ask your supporters and friends to make comments here:
Please tell the FDA to DO THEIR JOB!
In the meantime, while our regulatory agencies stoop to new levels of low, irresponsibility, and corruption we once again assert that the women and moms who make 90% of the household choices are the ones that will turn this around.
The fact is that if we don't buy it, the food companies cannot sell it.
All we need to do is empower women and moms and we can transform the food system and the future of America
Your donation to Moms Across America creates a huge shift to organic!
Thanks for your support!
With Love,
Zen and MAA Team
My comment to the FDA below: